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Massena Electric is a not-for-profit electric utility owned and operated by the Town of Massena.  Since its establishment in 1981 Massena Electric has made a commitment to RatesReliability, and Environmentalism. Massena Electric’s service reliability is among the highest nationally by leading indicators and electricity rates for businesses and residents are in the lowest 10 percent nationally. 

Massena Electric’s commitment to its customers and environment has also been recognized nationally.  Massena Electric is designated as a RP3™ utility (Reliable Public Power Provider) by the by the American Public Power Association (APPA) and as a “Tree Line USA” utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation. 

The RP3™ recognizes utilities for their practices around safety, reliability and system investment.  Massena Electric first received this designation in 2006 and utilities receiving this honor must recertify with the APPA every two years. 

Massena Electric first received “Tree Line USA” status in 2005.  “Tree Line USA” is designated annually by The National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and recognizes public and private utilities across the nation that demonstrate practices that protect and enhance America's urban forests. 

71 East Hatfield St., P.O. Box 209, Massena, New York 13662 - 0209
Phone: (315) 764-0253

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